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A Chapter of the Medical Library Association

Professional Development Award


  • To support professional development activities including attendance at classes, conferences and meetings;
  • To provide MLGSCA members with the opportunity to increase their competence in the theoretical, administrative and/or technical aspects of librarianship.


The applicant must:

  1. Be a regular member of MLGSCA;
  2. Hold a graduate degree in library/information science;
  3. Be a practicing medical librarian with at least two years of professional experience;
  4. Be willing to write at least a 500 word summary on the event for the MLGSCA blog;
  5. Not have received this award in the past three years.

Consideration will be given to outstanding candidates who do not meet all of the eligibility criteria.


Awards range from $100 - $500.
More than one award may be granted in a year.
Awards Committee screens applications and recommends candidate(s) to the Advisory Council of MLGSCA which has authority to grant the award(s).


  1. Print out the application form and complete it.
    (A paper copy of the form is printed in the MLGSCA Directory)
  2. A MS Word version of the form can be filled out online and submitted as an attachment to the Committee Chair (see address on form).
  3. Forms are also available from the chair of the Awards Committee, or from the Secretary of MLGSCA.
  4. Deadlines: Priority will be given to applications received by the Chair of the Awards Committee by February 15. Applications received after that date may be considered on a case-by-case basis.


Criteria may include the applicant's academic achievement, library experience, career objectives, or service to the profession.

Recipients of the Professional Development Award

  • 2000 - Linda Murphy
  • 2003 - Ellen Aaronson, Helen Seaton
  • 2004 - not awarded
  • 2005 - Evona Copeland, Marian Hicks
  • 2006 - Judy Kramer, Danielle Linden, Craig Haynes
  • 2007 - not awarded
  • 2008 - not awarded
  • 2009 - Ellen Aaronson, Lisa Marks
  • 2010 - Andrea Lynch, Susan Shelly
  • 2011 - Elisa Cortez, Erica Bass, Amy Chatfield
  • 2012 - Danielle Linden, Lisa Marks, Suzette Kopec
  • 2013 - Lisa Federer, Mary White
  • 2014 - Sue Espe, Megan Rosenbloom, Hella Stieber, Ellen Aaronson
  • 2015 - Kathleen Carlson, Tiffany Moxham
  • 2016 - Amy Nadell
  • 2017 - Carrie Grinstead, Andrea Harrow
  • 2018 - Ellen Aaronson
  • 2019 - Jackie Davis
  • 2020 - not awarded
  • 2021 - not awarded
  • 2022 - Carrie Grinstead
  • 2023 - Erin Moore, Amy Nadell, Debra Farber
  • 2024 - Jennifer Silverman

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Southern California and Arizona

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