New Member Buddy Program
- Welcome new members to MLGSCA
- Introduce new members to the organization, to other members with like interest or work environments, and ways to become active members
- Build member networks to strengthen the organization
- are matched with new MLGSCA Members to help welcome new members to MLGSCA and help establish new member MLGSCA networks.
- will more or less be the new member's first MLGSCA friend.
- can introduce the new member to MLGSCA through their own experience with MLGSCA and answer or obtain answers for new member questions about MLGSCA.
- should introduce their new member buddy to other MLGSCA members to help expand the new member's MLGSCA network.
- should encourage their new member to get involved with MLGSCA via committees and attend MLGSCA program and events.
- can introduce their new member buddy to MLA if the new member is also new to MLA through their own experience with MLA.
- can encourage their new member buddy to attend the MLA Conference and share their experiences attending MLA Conferences including how the meeting schedule works with in-person and virtual content including new member breakfast, presenting papers, posters, and/or lightning talks, visiting the vendors in the exhibit hall and at morning breakfast educational sessions, going to evening events, how to find a roommate, be the roommate, etc.
- can introduce new members to AHIP and answer AHIP questions.
First Year Buddy Program Feedback:
- 100% of New Member participants in the MLGSCA 2024 New Member Buddy Program say they will continue their partnership beyond the program.
- 100% of New Member Buddy Program participants recommend new MLGSCA members be matched with a MLGSCA Buddy.
- "The Buddy program has given me a new colleague that I now consider a friend. I would not have gotten to know my New Member Buddy otherwise. I learned more about the library where she works."
- "I look forward to getting more MLGSCA New Member Buddies! :)"