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A Chapter of the Medical Library Association

2023 MLGSCA/NCNMLG Virtual Spring Symposium


  Shannon D Jones, AHIP, FMLA MLA President, Medical Univ. of South Carolina


Shannon D. Jones (she/her) is the Director of Libraries for the Medical University of South Carolina Libraries in Charleston. Shannon is also Director for Region 2 of the Network of the National Library of Medicine. A long-time MLA volunteer, Shannon currently serves as 2022-2023 MLA President. In 2018, Shannon co-founded the MLA Reads Virtual Book Discussion Club to provide a forum where participants can learn, discuss, and process the implications of a variety of DEI topics on their work as information professionals and in their personal lives. Shannon is the co-editor of Diversity and Inclusion in Libraries: A Call to Action and Strategies for Success and the forthcoming volume, Cultural Humility in Libraries. Her educational background includes an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership from Charleston Southern University, an M.Ed. in Adult Learning with a concentration in Human Resources Development from Virginia Commonwealth University, and a Master of Library Science from North Carolina Central University. 

   Naomi Bishop, MLIS Associate LIbrarian, Arizona Health Sciences Library-Phoenix & Amy Nadell, MSLIS Medical Librarian, Banner - University  Medical Center Phoenix: Shifting the Shelves: Collaborating Across Libraries
Naomi Bishop

Naomi Bishop (Akimel O'odham/Gila River Indian Community) is an Associate Librarian at the University of Arizona Health Science Library at the Phoenix Biomedical Campus. She received her MLIS from University of Washington iSchool and her BA in German Studies and Political Science from the University of Arizona. She is a member of the Medical Library Association and the American Indian Library Association. She is a distinguished member of the Academy of Health Information Professionals and a recipient of the American Library Association I Love My Librarian award in 2021.


Amy Nadell has been a librarian at Banner Health since 2018. Prior to joining Banner, Amy worked for Fortis College, an allied health college. Amy received her MSLIS from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 2010, her MA in Anthropology from the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, her BA from Temple University in 2002. She has been a distinguished AHIP member since 2016. In her free time, she enjoys doing anything outside in her beautiful state of Arizona. 


How do medical librarians work together to support users and maintain services?  What challenges and opportunities exist for academic and hospital librarians to collaborate across systems? Academic Health science libraries often support many different constituents including students, residents, healthcare provides, faculty, and researchers. Hospital librarians support healthcare providers, researchers, residents, faculty, clinical policy makers, and healthcare business units.  Presenters will share experiences in in building a relationship after a merger, working together to avoiding unnecessary duplication of effort or activity, sharing talents and resources, providing quality services and cross-promoting of events and trainings, and collaborate across library systems to help users find the appropriate resources and support. 


  Sola Whitehead, MLIS Librarian, VA Portland health Care System &  Basia Delawska-Elliott, MLIS, AHIP-S Medical Librarian, Providence  

  System Library Services, Oregon: Bridges to Success: Librarian Support of a Collaborative Multi-Institutional Nursing Evidence-Based Practice

Sola Whitehead

Sola Whitehead has been the Medical Librarian for the VA Portland Health Care System in Portland, OR since 2014. In her previous life she was an IRB Administrator also for VA Portland and did exciting things like writing policies, attending meetings, and generating unmeasurable amounts of correspondence out to research teams. Now, as the solo librarian, she serves health care providers of all stripes to make sure that they have the information they need to provide high quality, evidence-based care. She also serves Veterans and family members who come into her small library, answering questions such as “Why is the HPV vaccine not recommended for adults over 45?” and “Can you make me a copy of this?” In her free time, she enjoys hiking with her husband and teenage twin boys, knitting, and biking around town on her e-bike.

 Basia Delawska-Elliott

Basia Delawska-Elliott is a Medical Librarian for Providence System Library Services in Portland, OR. Before returning to Providence in December 2021, Basia was a Health Sciences Research and Education Librarian with Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU).


Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) Region 4 & Region 5 representatives:



John C.T. Bramble, MLIS, MBMI, Librarian, Eccles Health Sciences Library, Univ. of Utah. John is the Executive Director of the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) Region 4 and National Training Office. John has been an active member of MLA since 2001 where he regularly presents at annual conferences and has been a member of the Technology Advisory Committee and co-founder of the Gaming in Adult Leaning SIG, now merged with the Technology in Education Caucus.

Also starting in 2001, John is very active with the Midcontinental Chapter of MLA, where he has held various roles, such as Chapter Chair, chair of several subcommittees, and is currently serving as the Annual Meeting Advisor and a member of the Research Committee. John loves his job with the NNLM, primarily because it allows him to connect with a wide and diverse group of individuals who are committed to increase access to quality health information for their key stakeholders to use to make decisions that improves patient outcomes or that impacts the health of health information consumers or their loved ones.  


Cathy Burroughs is Executive Director of the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) Region 5, under a cooperative agreement grant with the National Library of Medicine (NLM).  Cathy serves as a member of the broader NNLM leadership team and provides program, communication, grant management, supervisory, and evaluation support under the UW Libraries Associate Dean for Health Sciences /Director, NNLM Region 5. In 2001 - 2004, Cathy served as Assistant Director of the NNLM Outreach Evaluation Resource Center. From 1997-2001, she was project manager for an outreach evaluation study, funded by the Office of Health Information Programs Development at NLM.  Cathy has also managed several health communications and clearinghouse contracts awarded by NIH to a small business contractor in Rockville, MD. She received an MLS, with a health sciences specialization, from UCLA.



Carolyn Martin is the Outreach and Education Coordinator for the Network of the National Library of Medicine Region 5. Her primary focus is consumer health. Previously she worked as a hospital librarian in Indianapolis for over 20 years, providing services to all hospital staff. However, her favorite patrons were patients and their families which is where she gained her experience in consumer health and health literacy and then incorporated in her work at the local public library and now at NNLM.


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  Lightning Talks

   Room 1

Librarian Says, Faculty Says. Perspectives on a Course Collaboration in Undergraduate Medical Education

Katie Hoskins, MLS, MEd, AHIP, California Health Sciences University

Avtar Nijjer-Sidhu, PhD, RD, California Health Sciences University

Good Things Happen When Librarians Talk to Each Other.

Claire Sharifi, Nursing Librarian, University of San Francisco

Karen O'Grady, Nursing Librarian, University of San Diego

Piloting a buddy program to onboard new hires

Dana Abbey, MLS, AHIP, Engagement Coordinator, Network of the National Library of Medicine, Region 4, Associate Professor, Strauss Health Sciences Library, University of Colorado Anschutz

Proximity project: using spatial thinking and social psychology to develop collaborations and partnerships

Dana Abbey, MLS, AHIP, Engagement Coordinator, Network of the National Library of Medicine, Region 4, Associate Professor, Strauss Health Sciences Library, University of Colorado Anschutz

    Room 2

STEMM Research Workshops: A Health Sciences and STEM Libraries Collaboration

Cari Kaurloto, Science and Engineering Librarian, University of Southern California

Alvaro Quezada, Science and Engineering Librarian, University of Southern California

Jennifer Silverman, Information Services Librarian, Wilson Dental Library, University of Southern California

Renée A. Rau, Information Services Librarian, Norris Medical Library, University of Southern California

Introducing the Open Science Team Agreements Template

Ariel Deardorff, MLIS, Data Services Librarian, UC San Francisco Library

Leaning into Change: Reflections on a pilot program utilizing collaboration between part-time, remote librarians and an on-site library team to reinvent the library

Dana Thimons, MLIS, MS, Remote Librarian, Health Sciences Liaison Librarian, Xavier University of New Orleans

A Permanent Shift to Virtual Library Services

Eve Melton, MLIS, MIS, AHIP, Regional Director, Library Services Northern California, Kaiser Permanente

Collection Weeding: an Example in Collaboration

Leah H. Anderson, MLS, Manager, Access & Collection Services, Lane Medical Library, Stanford

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  Round Table Topics

1. Transitioning from hospital librarian to academic librarian or vice versa.

Facilitator: Karen O’Grady, Nursing Librarian, University of San Diego

2. How can librarians meaningfully support DEI efforts in the library or the larger organization?

Facilitator: Kenny Garcia, Research and Instruction Librarian, California State University, Monterey Bay

3. Predatory and vanity publishers: supporting authors in selecting reliable journals.

Facilitator: Elena Azadbakht, Health Sciences Librarian, University of Nevada, Reno

4. Providing outreach in academic and hospital settings to under-served communities.

Facilitator: Gillian Kumagai, Director, Health Libraries and Community Support, Health Education, Engagement, and Promotion, Stanford Health Care

5. Hospital librarian secrets!

Facilitator: Erin Moore, Librarian, Health Sciences Library, Banner - University Medical Center

6. Ask a librarian (hospital, academic, special).

Facilitator: Quincy D. McCrary, Medical Librarian (Librarian Specialist IV), Kaiser Permanente

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  Symposium Sponsors




tda health: Teton Data Systems

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Shifting the Shelves:      

Collaborating Between Libraries 

                                               Virtual Symposium

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